Comparison Old_Norse to Icelandic
English | Old_Norse | Icelandic | Comments | Points
Death | -D-TH- dauði [1] | -D-TH- Dauði | Exact consonant match -D-/-D- Exact consonant match -TH-/-TH-
| 100,00
| Ear | -R- eyra [2] | -R- Eyra | Exact consonant match -R-/-R-
| 100,00
| Eye | -G- auga | -G- Auga | Exact consonant match -G-/-G-
| 100,00
| Four | -F-R- fjrir | -F-R- Fjórir | Exact consonant match -F-/-F- Exact consonant match -R-/-R-
| 100,00
| Hand | -H-N-D- hønd | -H-N-D- Hönd | Exact consonant match -H-/-H- Exact consonant match -N-/-N- Exact consonant match -D-/-D-
| 100,00
| I | -K- ek | -G- Ég | Related consonant match -K-/-G-
| 95,00
| Name | -N-F-N- nafn | -N-F-N- Nafn | Exact consonant match -N-/-N- Exact consonant match -F-/-F- Exact consonant match -N-/-N-
| 100,00
| Night | -N-T- ntt | -N-T- Nótt | Exact consonant match -N-/-N- Exact consonant match -T-/-T-
| 100,00
| Nose | -N-S- nøs (nef, nasar?) [3] | -N-F- Nef | Exact consonant match -N-/-N-
| 50,00
| Sun | -S-L- sl | -S-L- Sól | Exact consonant match -S-/-S- Exact consonant match -L-/-L-
| 100,00
| Three | -TH-R-R- Þrír | -TH-R-R- þrir | Exact consonant match -TH-/-TH- Exact consonant match -R-/-R- Exact consonant match -R-/-R-
| 100,00
| Tongue | -T-N-G- tunga | -T-N-G- Tunga | Exact consonant match -T-/-T- Exact consonant match -N-/-N- Exact consonant match -G-/-G-
| 100,00
| Tooth | -T-N- tønn | -T-N- Tönn | Exact consonant match -T-/-T- Exact consonant match -N-/-N-
| 100,00
| Two | -T-V-R- tveir | -T-V-R- Tveir | Exact consonant match -T-/-T- Exact consonant match -V-/-V- Exact consonant match -R-/-R-
| 100,00
| Water | -V-T-N- vatn | -V-T-N- Vatn | Exact consonant match -V-/-V- Exact consonant match -T-/-T- Exact consonant match -N-/-N-
| 100,00
| Who | -H-V-R- hverr | -H-V-R- Hver | Exact consonant match -H-/-H- Exact consonant match -V-/-V- Exact consonant match -R-/-R-
| 100,00
| Wind | -V-N-D- vindr | -V-N-D- Vindur | Exact consonant match -V-/-V- Exact consonant match -N-/-N- Exact consonant match -D-/-D-
| 100,00
| You (thou) | -TH- Þ | -TH- þú | Exact consonant match -TH-/-TH-
| 100,00
| Analysis: Total Points/#words: 1745,00/18 (=96,944/100). This value has to be reverted (100-Result) to get the distance:
Distance: 3,06 These languages are very closely related! | |
Agree? Disagree? Please CONTACT! - Share in:  Statistics for this comparison (exposure to chance - explanation here): → Mathematical expectation (μ): 82,15
→ Standard deviation (σ): 5,12
→ p-value = ƒ(3,06, μ, σ): 3,351 × 10-54
This comparison has a probability lower than 0,01% to get results below 3,06 if conducted with random values. |
| References: 1. www.vikingsofbjornstad.com 2. All Old Norse words from: Palisto's KurdishDNA blog 3. Source: www.palaeolexicon.com/