Comparison Old_Egyptian to Kabylian
English | Old_Egyptian | Kabylian | Comments | Points
Death | -M-W-T- Mwt | -M-T- Amat [1] | Exact consonant match -T-/-T- Exact consonant match -M-/-M-
| 66,67
| Ear | -M-S-D-R- Msdr | -M-Z-R- Amezzur [2] | Exact consonant match -R-/-R- Exact consonant match -M-/-M- Related consonant match -S-/-Z-
| 73,75
| Eye | -J-R-T- Yrt | -T-C- Tic | Related consonant match -T-/-C- Too weak signals, no point! Too weak signals, no point! | 0,00
| Hand | -D-T- D.t | -F-S- Afus | Related consonant match -T-/-S- Too weak signals, no point! Too weak signals, no point! | 0,00
| I | -J-N-K- Ynk | -N-K- n3K [3] | Exact consonant match -K-/-K- Exact consonant match -N-/-N-
| 66,67
| Name | -M- M | -S-M- Isem | Exact consonant match -M-/-M-
| 50,00
| Night | -G-R-H- Grh | -D- Id | Too weak signals, no point! | 0,00
| Nose | -F-N-D- Fnd | -N-Z-R- Inzer | Exact consonant match -N-/-N- Related consonant match -D-/-Z-
| 61,67
| Sun | -R- Re | -C-ZH- Iccij | | 0,00
| Tongue | -N-S- Ns | -L-S- Iles | Exact consonant match -S-/-S-
| 50,00
| Tooth | -B-KH- Ibeh | -T-M-S-T- Tuymest | | 0,00
| Two | -S-N-W- Snw | -S-N- Sin | Exact consonant match -S-/-S- Exact consonant match -N-/-N-
| 66,67
| Water | -M-W- Mw | -M-N- Aman | Exact consonant match -M-/-M-
| 50,00
| Who | -M- My | -N-W- Anwa | | 0,00
| Wind | -T-W- T3w | -D- Adu | Related consonant match -T-/-D-
| 47,50
| You (thou) | -N-T-K- Ntk | -K-CH- k3C [4] | Related consonant match -T-/-CH- Wrong order! (switched matches -> no point) Too weak signals, no point! | 0,00
| Analysis: Total Points/#words: 532,92/16 (=33,307/100). This value has to be reverted (100-Result) to get the Genetic distance:
Genetic distance: 66,69 These languages are remotely related! | |
Agree? Disagree? Please CONTACT! - Share in: Statistics for this comparison (exposure to chance - explanation here): → Mathematical expectation (μ): 84,20
→ Standard deviation (σ): 5,01
→ p-value = ƒ(66,69, μ, σ): 0,0002
This comparison has a probability of 0,02% to get results below 66,69 if conducted with random values. For more details about the statistical context click here. |
| References: 1. To die - asjp.clld.org/languages/KABYLE 2. All Kabylian words (unless otherwise stated) are from: MALHERBE, Michel. Les langages de l'humanité Paris : Robert Laffont, 1995. ISBN : 2-221-05947-6, p. 1009 – 1015. 'Tlata' (Three) and 'Arbaa' (Four) have not been included as they are obvious loan words from Arabic. 3. asjp.clld.org/languages/KABYLE 4. asjp.clld.org/languages/KABYLE